10th Annual Chicago Model Audition
Dear Model,
This is your 1st step to confirm your participation in the Official Model Audition for the 10th Annual Chicago International Fashion Show for Live Out Loud Charity. This is the biggest show of the year with over 750 audience members and countless media outlets from news, bloggers, fashion magazines, and more covering this event. Simply register your name and email address on the ticket link. The ticket is free and confirms your spot in the audition. The audition date/information is below along with the fashion show date/information. (Please note: parents or model chaperones are more than welcome to accompany the model they are supporting. Therefore, parents/chaperones do not need to register for a ticket (only fashion show models do). You simply show up with the model. Only models need to register. If there are siblings or family members that each want to audition, then, each person must register under their individual name even if the same email address is used.)
Chicago Audition Information
Sunday, October 6th at 2pm CST
We will hand out model paperwork, take your measurements, ask you to walk, interview you very briefly, and take your photograph.
Palmer House Hilton- Chicago
17 E. Monroe Ave
Floor 6 Ballroom
Chicago, IL 60603
Wardrobe: walk in with high heels on or dress shoes for men (age appropriate heels for girls ages 14 and under), wearing all black, and tight fitted clothing. We prefer black shoes. Please wear tight fitted clothes and figure flattering outfits. Please arrive full makeup on and hair nice so you can look your best in the photo we take of you.
Other Audition Dates
There will be only ONE Chicago Audition October 6th and only ONE Indianapolis audition on September 29th. Models that audition in person will be given first priority and booked with designers first. We will only hold one month of virtual auditions (from Sept 1st through 30th) for models that know they can not attend the Chicago or Indy auditions. It will be harder for Virtual Models to make it into the show since spots will be limited. Virtual Models will be notified after October 15th since we will prioritize models that auditioned in person. *Please note you only need to attend ONE audition and we recommend attending either the Chicago or Indy audition for your best chances of getting into the show.
When you audition we will ask for six things:
1. To see your runway walk.
2. To take your photo (after we take your meausurements).
3. To interview you asking why you support Live Out Loud Chairty for anti bullying, core character development, and suicide prevention.
4. LIKE OUR FAN PAGE on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liveoutloudcharity/ Leave a positive comment under one of our recent posts and continue to share/like/comment under our fashion show posts, especially if you are selected as a model in the show. We appreciate your support.
5. Check out our website to learn more about the charity to best prepare you for the in person interview: www.worldwideleadershipacademy.org and www.liveoutloudcharity.org
6.Save our text messages for future reference in case you make it in the fashion show. We will text you ALL fashion show model information from the ticket link to rehearsal dates, model bag essentials so you are prepared for your fittings and big day, news articles, charity info, expectations, locations, and more. Different team members will text our official models so be sure to save all lolc members names’ once they contact you. We have a 24 hour rule… if you do not respond within 24 hours to our teams’ text messages we will assume you are no longer in the show and delete you from the event. Be sure to be diligent in your responses. Remember rehearsals (model practices) are mandatory.
Date: Sunday, October 6, 2019, 2-5pm
Price: Registration
Registration available at Eventbrite